Many years ago, while working in Corporate America, I attended a leadership conference where we were introduced to the idea of a six-word story. Now, I’m going to be honest—at first, I thought, “Six words? That’s it?” The exercise seemed like one of those things thrown in to shake up the conference monotony, like when someone asks you to draw your "leadership style" with crayons on a giant sheet of paper. The goal was to capture our perspective on leadership in just six words.
My initial reaction? A healthy dose of skepticism mixed with an eye roll or two. I mean, how could six measly words encapsulate something as complex as leadership? But as we began to reflect, dig into our thoughts, and scribble away, it turned out to be much more than an errand of whimsy. It forced me to pause, reflect, and think about how I saw leadership and, more importantly, where I stood on that journey. To my surprise, six words did the trick. I walked away with a clearer, more introspective view of myself as a leader.
Fast forward to my grief journey, and I’ve found that the simple, yet powerful, six-word story is just as effective when applied to loss. It’s become one of the most valuable tools in my grief toolbox, especially during moments when words feel heavy and elusive. A six-word grief story allows you to sit with your emotions, acknowledge them, and distill them into a compact form that feels manageable.
What is a "Grief Story in 6 Words"?
The concept of the six-word story is often attributed to Ernest Hemingway, who allegedly wrote: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” This short but emotionally charged sentence sparked the Six-Word Memoir movement, where entire experiences are captured in just a handful of words. When used to express grief, a six-word story is a miniature narrative that allows you to encapsulate your feelings, memories, and pain in a way that feels accessible and reflective.
A six-word grief story is personal and meaningful—unique to you, your loss, and your experience. Whether your grief is fresh or you've been carrying it for years, this exercise offers a way to reflect, honor, and release.
Why is it a Helpful Tool?
Grief can be overwhelming. Sometimes it feels too big, too complex to put into words. That’s where the beauty of the six-word story comes in. It takes something that feels unmanageable and breaks it down into a small, digestible form. This tiny story becomes a way to pause, reflect, and engage with your grief, without getting lost in its enormity.
When my mother died, I was at a loss for how to articulate the depth of my grief. Everything felt like too much. But using the six-word story framework helped me organize my thoughts and emotions in a way that didn’t feel so daunting. To this day, I still use the six words I created back then: "Her voice fades, memories grow louder."
These words became a way for me to carry her with me, even when the pain felt unbearable.
Research supports the value of narrative forms of grief expression. According to Cacciatore (2020), "Symbolically representing loss allows for emotional release and personal understanding" (p. 45). The six-word story helps you process your loss in bite-sized pieces, offering emotional clarity without requiring you to say everything at once.
Impactful Six-Word Grief Story Examples
To give you an idea of how a six-word story can work, here are a few examples for different types of loss. Each one is unique, just like the individual journeys of grief:
For someone who lost a mother:
"Her hands held me; still do."
For someone who lost a child:
"Tiny shoes, endless dreams, forever unfulfilled."
For someone who lost a friend:
"Laughter silenced, echoes linger in heart."
For someone who lost a beloved pet:
"Empty leash, full heart, still healing."
Each story condenses the essence of grief into a few short words, capturing both the love and the pain of loss. The simplicity doesn’t diminish the depth; instead, it highlights it.

Reflecting and Crafting Your Own Six-Word Grief Story
Now, I invite you to try this exercise for yourself. You may be thinking, "Six words? Really?" I get it. I had the same reaction at that leadership conference. But trust me, it works. Begin by thinking about your grief—whether it’s fresh or something you’ve been carrying for a while. What memories come to mind? What emotions bubble up when you reflect on your loss?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Focus on a key moment: Is there a particular memory that stands out in your mind? What represents your relationship with the person or pet you lost?
Lean into the emotion: Whether it’s sadness, love, or anger, let that emotion guide your words.
Consider symbols: Sometimes objects or metaphors—like an empty chair or a quiet house—can say more than words.
Reflect on the ‘before and after’: How has your life changed since your loss? Can you capture that shift?
The beauty of this tool is that you can create as many six-word stories as you need. Grief evolves, and so too can your stories. Use them to explore different facets of your loss or revisit them as your grief transforms over time. There’s no rule that says you must stick to just one.
The six-word story might seem simple at first, but its true power lies in its ability to encapsulate deep emotions and experiences with minimal effort. In fact, sometimes I think of the six-word grief story as my personal "journaling shortcut." Like entries in a journal, each story becomes a gift to myself—a snapshot of where I’ve been, what I’ve endured, and how I’ve transformed. Over time, these stories become markers of my journey, allowing me to look back and see how my grief has evolved.
While the six-word story exercise may seem simple, its power lies in its brevity and focus. In just a few words, you can capture the essence of your grief and reflect on the profound impact loss has had on your life. I encourage you to give it a try—play with the words, let them sit with you, and see what comes up. Who knows? You might just find the clarity or comfort you’ve been searching for, wrapped up in six simple words.
Just as journaling helps us reflect and grow, these six-word stories offer a way to measure our progress and transformation. They’re a tool for seeing how far we’ve come in our grief management, reminding us that we have processed, survived, and continued to grow. Each story is a milestone, reflecting not just the pain of loss but also the resilience and healing that follow.
Cacciatore, J. (2020). Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief. Wisdom Publications.
At Unboxed Grief, we understand that grief is a deeply personal journey, and no two paths look the same. That's why we offer grief support groups and 1:1 sessions to walk alongside you, helping you navigate the ups, downs, and everything in between. We’d be honored to be a part of your healing process, offering a compassionate, non-judgmental space where you can feel heard and supported. As Ram Dass so beautifully said, "We're all just walking each other home," and we’re here to be that steady companion, offering warmth and guidance as you take each step forward.
Disclaimer: The author of this blog is not a licensed practitioner, therapist, or medical doctor. The information provided is based on research and personal experience and is intended for informational and supportive purposes only. If you are experiencing physical or emotional symptoms of grief that are impacting your health, we strongly recommend consulting with a licensed healthcare provider, therapist, or medical professional for clinical evaluation and appropriate intervention. Always seek professional advice before making decisions regarding your mental or physical well-being.
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